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Novartis wanted to go “beyond the pill,” holistically influencing patient well-being through a digital community. They asked Beyond to create them a platform that provides a powerful space for community, education, and growth, and because the product was built to scale, it could be easily applied to new brands.
The Back End was built with Python and uses Django CMS along with Django Tenants, PostgreSQL and Redis for caching. The Front uses a custom AngularJS/JSPM/Gulp Boilerplate we developed specifically for this project. JSPM is a RequireJS-style module loader with similar configuration and plugin system built on top of the ES6 Module Loader polyfill and can be used to load any module format.
For templating, we used a mix of Angular and Django, which admittedly isn’t usually an obvious choice, but due to the scale of what we were developing and the lack of SSR solutions at the time, fitted really well with this project. For styling the UI we used SCSS and followed the BEM Methodology. We developed everything Mobile First and used our own internal custom grid system. For testing we used Mocha/Chai. Django Rest Framework. App structure is modularised into very specific folders each containing .html, .scss, .js and .spec.js.
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Quirksmode is a fully responsive Universal React Application connected to a Headless CMS designed and developed by myself, web enthusiast and all round nice guy Dave. It was created to be my Portfolio and voice to the world.
All code has been hand written from scratch using Visual Studio. All of the opinions on this site are my own and do not represent those of my employer or colleagues.
@DJBigNickD @route1music Hopefully not much longer mate :-(
11:43:21 30th January 2021@misssofy @x_georginaaa @British_Airways This was based off of what they announced earlier and googling a few sites…
06:46:33 19th December 2020David Plunkett
Mobile Number: 07870257474